Educational Materials at the Marx Library, University of South Alabama

Learn, teach, prevent: Holocaust education in the 21st century. Carol Rittner, editor
Holocaust Education Conference, Seton Hill University, 2009
D 804.33 .R588 2010

Making sense of the Holocaust: lessons from classroom practice, by Simone Schweber
New York: Teachers College Press, 2004
D 804.33 .S35 2004

The spirit that moves us: a literature-based resource guide, teaching about diversity, prejudice, human rights, and the Holocaust. Volume I, for grades kindergarten through four, by Laura R. Petovello in association with the Holocaust Human Rights Center of Maine, 1998
D 804.33 .P48 1998

The spirit that moves us: a literature-based resource guide, teaching about the Holocaust and human rights. Volume II, for grades five through eight, by Rachel Quenk in associataion with the Holocaust Human Rights Center of Maine, 1997
D 804.33 .Q46 1997

Teaching about the Holocaust: a resource book for educators.
Washington, DC: U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, 2001
Y 3.H 74: 2 T 22/2001

Teaching about the Holocaust through drama, by Janet E. Rubin, 2000
PN 6120 .H73 R83 2000

Teaching and studying the Holocaust, edited by Samuel Totten, Stephen Feinberg, 2001
D 804.33 .T46 2001

Teaching the Holocaust: educational dimensions, principles and practice, edited by Ian Davies, 2000
D 804.33 .T43 2000