For the Memory of Six Million Jews and Others

Agnes Tennenbaum

Ashes blown by the wind.
Green grass over unmarked graves.
We carry the torch of remembrance,
We, who survived.
Our lives are marked forever
By the tragic memories of the past.
We can’t forgive or forget
The stolen youth we never had.
The grandparents our children
Never knew, never met.
Hunger, thirst, torture of body and soul
That never ends!
Watch! Be sure it never happens again.
Let it be remembered.
We produced an Einstein,
A Rickover, Salk, Teller, a Chagall.
Fail not to remember while we grieve and cry.
Are you black, brown?
Eyes slanted? Your name wrong?
Educate the masses.
Ignorance is a crime!
Ashes blown by the wind.
Green grass over unmarked graves.
We, the survivors will carry
The torch of remembrance
Until the very end.